Fidelity Title likes to show special care for customers inquiring about larger loans. Please contact us directly to inqure about this loan.
You have entered a loan amount that is higher than the purchase price. Please call 417-887-8836 for your fees.
Fee EstimatePowered by Fidelity Title |
Generated on |
Policy Type:Result
Loan Amount:Result
Title - Lender's Policy Risk Rate
Title - Lender Simultaneous Issue Title
Service Fee: Result
Title - Owner's Title Policy Service Fee * Result
Title - Purchase Closing Fee Result
Title - Buyer's/Lender's CPL Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Email Document Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Overnight Processing Fee *** Result
Title - E-Record Processing Fee ($5 per doc) Result
Title - Owner's Policy Risk Rate Result
Total: Result
Lender's Title Service Charge *
Lender's Title Policy / Risk Rate
Reissue Credit Estimate
Refinance Closing Fee
Title Search and Exam **
Owner's Title Service Charge * Result
Owner's Title Policy / Risk Rate Result
Lender's Simultaneous Issue ** Result
Purchase Closing Fee Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Email Document Processing Fee *** Result
Title - Overnight Processing Fee *** Result
Title - E-Record Processing Fee Result
Closing Protection Letter Result
Total Fees: Result
Seller's Closing Fee Result
Seller's Search/Exam Fee Result
Closing Protection Letter Result
Title - Wire Processing Fee*** Result
Title - Overnight Fee $15.00
Total Fees Result
* Does not include Search and Exam Fees
** Title Service Charge $96.00 + Risk Rate $4.00
** For Greene, Christian, Stone, and Taney Counties only
*** May not be applicable to all transactions.
All charges and Closing Fees are estimates for residential loans only.
Fees are subject to change.
For more information contact Fidelity Title Agency at (417) 887-8836.